There are many interesting movies coming up ahead of the year 2009. Wow especially with Transformers 2, Terminator, Harry Potter, New Moon and the list goes on and on.

I bought the book by accident long time ago and I can't believed I just read 5 pages only. What a waste of money.
Well for my 12 years old bro and me are anticipating the movie known as

I am a always a big fan of Disney movies until now. The Incredible, Bugs Life, Bolt,
HSM, Cheetah Girls, Alvin and The Chipmunks and the list never ending list. You want it, you name it! I've recently watched
Dragonball and all I can say is, it sucks so bad except for the hot woman Jamie Chung if I'm not mistaken. It was since the year 2007 I guess when the show debuted in the Disney Channel and until now which is already in Season 3 I am still following every episode. The show is so addictive mainly because with
Miley Cyrus (
who is sizzling super hot ) starring as the main character, Jason
Earles dumbness and
humurous acting and last but not least Rico unique way of laughing "
MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA". I'm sure the movie would be good with their awesome songs. So yeah you people should watch the upcoming Hannah Montana The Movie and tell me whether is it good or not. After reading this you people are not going to call me childish kid who has an
immature brain cos I'm not you clown! In conjunction of Earth Hour which is 30 minutes away from now, I will be switching off the lights cos I am going out for dinner. What a responsible earth citizen I am.
*Previous picture about the principal was deleted to prevent me from getting fired from school.
Well currently there is a sale in most of the sports shop. About last week I went to the Nike Shop in Mid Valley and recently I acquired a new pair of Nike since there is big or I might say around 30% discount. Since I last bought a new pair shoes which was about 1 and half year ago and it is already horrible like this.

My poor Adidas
Superstar which is worn by my two ugly legs for the past 2 years. No wonder it is already like a rotten egg now.
Say hi to my new Nike
Sweet Classic Suede. As sweet as it sounds, it looks like this. I hope this shoes really provide me a really sweet pleasant memories. Crap! I know it sounds gay. It looks sweetly like this:

I have done terribly is my first term exam and failed in most of the subjects especially Add Maths. Well incredibly I continued slacking and don't feel a little
dissapointed at all. What is happening to me ? It seems like I don't give a shit on my studies. Like what I am doing right now, blogging during a normal schooldays especially on weekdays. Crap! I bet if I continue doing this I could end up being a waiter or bus driver.
Recently my mouth has been popping out ulcer. Damn it hurts like hell with the burning sensation everytime I drink or brushing my teeth. OUCH and it still hurts right now while I'm typing and its getting bigger and bigger day by day.
It was a few days ago, I went to Mid Valley new
foodcourt Oasis
if I'm not mistaken. This banner really caught my eyes where it was written "50 % Discount
Last Day One Day Only".

Then after few days I went to that particular place once more.

Wow! Their
definition of " Last Day" is everyday. They are really smart to attract passerby's eyes there and I mean it. If you people do visit that
food court, I hope you people do really understand by what they meant as "Last Day 50 % Discount". Is that how everyone here in the country do to catch attention from people? I guess it is pretty normal or should I say common in the country especially the owner of that food stall. Kudos to the owner of the food stall, you are caught in the act !

Please don't tell me that I've been hit by the karma. Days after I made a mockery out of Man
Utd, Chelsea was drew to play against Liverpool
FC. Holy @#$%! After beating the hell out of Man
Utd in Old
Trafford, I suppose they can do anything at Stamford
Bridge. But we as a blues are not just participating in the competition, I'm sure Chelsea will be at their maximum to kick Liverpool at their best out of the competition.

I hope I could
lan ci Zack at the end of the day. I know it is impossible but as a loyal Chelsea I
absolutely think it is possible.
Drogba would be
blue-hot favourite to score like what he did last year in the semi-final against Liverpool. Prediction? I know it going to be extremely tough but I guess it would end up 3-2 aggregate with a win to Chelsea. Trust me people,my prophecy is most likely going to be true.
After a long wait for
approximately 1 month and a half month. My poor ticket has even gone from white colour to yellow dirt colour. I am so frustrated for the fact that the organizer didn't even mention anything about the concert. I feel so lazy and bored with the way the organizer organized the concert. How could they make us wait so long without telling us the latest news about the concert? Well after a long wait I hope they will cancel the concert and refund our money.

The other ticket is Alison's. If I were to sell the ticket, who in the world wants to buy the ticket? Even if I sell it for rm50 I doubt anyone would be interested 2 buy from me. I guess there is only 3 ways to get rid of the ticket.
First, I should throw away the ticket to the rubbish bin and hope some lucky people would found the ticket.

Perhaps the ticket would fly to Bukit Tinggi in Pahang ?

Japan ?

Or London ?

Sometimes when I am hungry I can eat the ticket (Alison's one) to fill up my empty stomach. I hope it tastes better than the usual Instant Noodles.

I can give the ticket to our beloved principal Mr.Peter to catch his favourite singer LIVE in Malaysia. I am sure he loves the song Umbrella right ? I remember when he said " The way you dress depends on which occasion you are in, if you are in a party the girls can wear the mini skirts ( and his speech goes on and on and on).
I won't be suprised if I see Mr.Peter dressed up like Borat.

I wanted to put Mr.Peter's face on Borat picture but I changed my mind and leave the picture as it is. I know I suck at editting pictures but I least you people get a clear picture on what I'm writing right? I hope so.
*Previous picture was deleted to prevent me getting fired from school.
I used to be a Man Utd fan since watching football from small. It was in the year 2007 when I decided to switch to the blues following the resignation of Jose Mourinho. Despite watching the match where Chelsea lost 2-0 to Man Utd in Old Trafford and Obi Mikel being sent off. I was amazed by the way Chelsea play as a team with the assistance of the great Lampard and the unstoppable John Terry and I discovered watching Man Utd is just simply boring. Chelsea who was managed by Avram Grant finished the season amazingly by finishing runner-up in 3 competitions. The most heartbreaking moment was during the UCL Final in Moscow when John Terry missed the penalty which could allow him to lift the cup for the first time. For one week, I avoided the sport channels including ESPN and Starsports, I didnt even touched the newspaper for quite some time. I was not in the mood to watch any football matches and I was moody for many days. The day was July 2009 when my best friend Eng Nel Shern who supported Chelsea as well I have to seriously thank him. He brought me to the match with free tickets to catch Chelsea Vs Malaysia in Shah Alam Stadium. The match was the match of my lifetime I was able to see my favourite team performed with Lampard, Anelka, Terry and Cech with their eye-catching performance.

**That only picture is from
Sorry I don't have a good camera. You won't be able to see the picture clearly.The match was simply awesome as it was my first time witnessing a football match in a stadium packed with 50,000 people. More over, I with my very own eyes saw how Anelka scored with his cooly taken near range kick. The match finished 2-0 with Chelsea winning the game. Until now, I still owe Nel shern everything from offering me free tickets and taking me to the match. Thanks a lot Nel Shern!

The latest t-shirt is my brother's but still it shows how much I love Chelsea right. Now on the other hand, on 14 of March 2009. Man Utd the most arrogant team in England was taking on Liverpool. It is do-or-die match for Liverpool, so I read the paper in the morning and this is what I saw.

Wow, Rooney hates the kop for people who don't know, kop is the nickname for Liverpool FC. Due to his arrogance remark to the press I guess he was hit by the Karma. Well before the match me as a Chelsea Fan decided to have a deal with Liverpool fan ( Zack ) to kick Man Utd's ass.

The match finished.

The owner of Hublot must be a Liverpool fan.
Serve you right Man Utd. Chelsea gonna climb back to the top and snatch the title away from you. I would like to end with the song entitled Blue Is The Colour.
Blue is the colour, football is the game We're all together and winning is our aim So cheer us on through the sun and rain Cos Chelsea, Chelsea is our name.
I hope I can talk in peace as I assume u started to post it for the sake of fun. I decided to delete the previous post to prevent any controversy. Don't go around and tell people I am afraid of you cause
I'm not and never will, I just feel it is the right thing to do that is to call for a truce. I thought it is better for you to stop visiting my blog and I will stop visiting your blog. I hope I can go back to my blogging days as I feel this isn't the right way to blog.
Criticising people isn't my type to blog because I started this blog as I thought I can share my things with anyone who visits my blog. In the end when two people fight nobody wins so there is no point fighting for few days and actually gain nothing. From now on , I hope you could stop writing shit stuffs about me and as I am and will stop writing nasty and bad things about other people. However if you still intend to continue I don't give a shit about what you do, but please write about it in you very own blog, don't pollute my cbox. There is no point keeping anger on myself as I have a better things to do. I wasted my 72 hours thinking on what to write and insult you on my blog. I could have used that time to study and do some revision or even play some computer games and instead I refused to play my favourite games just to think on what to criticise you. In the end, I learnt a very good lesson that are fighting isn't going to solve the problems and keeping anger on ourselves is just a plain loser act. Yes I admit I am loser for wasting my time writing and researching just for
criticising others. I hereby promise myself to never write nasty stuffs about people in my blog. I hope you people would forgive me on behalf of Zhong Huang you can go anywhere you want but
PLEASE don't ever get me involve in your isssue. I am never ashame to say sorry to everyone who have been affected by this issue. I know for the fact everyone makes mistake and me myself made a big mistake.
A group of editorial board from SM went to the Help University including me. It was overall such a boring seminar which was supposed to be an "EDUCATIONAL" trip. We actually spent most of our 8 hours there sleeping and playing around. I was amazed by a group of students who actually came all the way from Seremban just to attend this boring seminar. It was mostly talking and talking and talking and talking from the lecturer gosh! How long do I have to type those just to describe to all you how boring was the seminar. Therefore to overcome our extreme boredom we actually did some stupid things. These pictures can be your evidence :

We took these pictures in the cafeteria which has pool table and a foosball table.

Xheng Yew looks so freaking gay and I have no idea what Kevin was doing. Maybe doing his signature move as a Weapon X. Wait is that how WeaponX aka Brian Dawkins tackle his opponent. Doing that gay-like move?
I look like a toad there, I did it on on purpose btw. ( I know most of you would surely say "U always look like a toad lah, Kenny")

Attempting to do the gangster pose but failed badly.
Group Picture with the one and only Ms Sharon. Note Something Nel Shern was terpaksa-ed by teacher to stand the front like because ..(you people should know why).
After wasting so much time, we decided to go Mid Valley. Then we walked to the main road and waited for taxis. There were five of us there, after waiting for at least 5 minutes we got ourselves a taxi. However only a maximum of four person were only allowed to sit the taxi. So as a good friend of Pooi Joe I teman him hoping to get another taxi. Knowing that taxis in Malaysia are punctual and have the best service among other develop countries. We waited for 20 minutes as I supposed it is common to wait for such a long time in this country.

(Pooi Joe's attempt to do the angry pose failed yet again)
After we waited for 30 minutes, we were so frustrated after a taxi refused to take us and his reason were "Banyak Jam lah nak ke Mid Valley", worst still there a taxi who just passed by without looking at us.

I wonder why are those taxi drivers call themselves taxi drivers.
We waited for 45 minutes and I cant afford to wait anymore. Therefore , there was only one way to get ourselves a taxi. So I meditated, calling the "Jersus Cries" Quote by Xheng Yew. Read his blog at Just for you to know . Xheng Yew misspelled or rather spelled "Jersus Cries" on purpose instead of "Jesus Christ". I bet people like Kevin Gomez and Zachary Tan would surely feel offended by his remark. Blame it on him okay, who wants to know his address please feel free to email me.

Finally, after all the hard worked meditating we finally got ourselves a limousine from heaven. Which cost us RM5.30 to Mid Valley, we felt so blessed to received such a blessing from Xheng Yew's "Jersus" pronounced as JARR-SESS.

**Disclaimer: All stated/mentioned might not be referring to the characters as written above. The post above was solely written on joke purposes (Even so you don't feel it's funny). There was no racism, discrimination, or religiousm (whatever u wanna call it) involved.
(P.S) Most of the bad qualities pictures are taken by Elizabeth. Don't blame it on me because my camera isn't that bad, you know ?
Wow it has been awhile since I last updated my blog. Its just one week right ? Anyway let me summarize all the things that happened since I last updated my blog. First I was involved in a fight with my pal Pooi Joe after he elbowed and he said it was an accident. Most of my friends would surely know I am very bad-tempered person and easily get angry. I got so frustrated then I pushed PJ until he nearly hit the sharp edge of the white board. The fight reminded me of the fight in Stamford Bridge in the match between Chelsea vs Man utd when Patrice Evra who in that situation is similar to PJ while me who is the Chelsea staff who was winning and dominating most of the fight which is similar to me. Which like this :

I know its weird to see someone get beaten up and yet smiling happily like that. Sadly I cant find a better picture of his face.
Anyway, I've heard from the radio that Rihanna is coming on the 12th of March which is on THURSDAY and worse still I am having an exam the next day. I told u Axcess Ticket is such an #!@hole. They by far is the worst organizer, how could they set up a concert on the bloody thursday? and and Kevin is organizing a trip to Genting on the following day. What a bloody hectic week coming up ahead, and yes I don't really care about the first exam oh wait its not even an exam its a test.