A group of editorial board from SM went to the Help University including me. It was overall such a boring seminar which was supposed to be an "EDUCATIONAL" trip. We actually spent most of our 8 hours there sleeping and playing around. I was amazed by a group of students who actually came all the way from Seremban just to attend this boring seminar. It was mostly talking and talking and talking and talking from the lecturer gosh! How long do I have to type those just to describe to all you how boring was the seminar. Therefore to overcome our extreme boredom we actually did some stupid things. These pictures can be your evidence :

We took these pictures in the cafeteria which has pool table and a foosball table.

Xheng Yew looks so freaking gay and I have no idea what Kevin was doing. Maybe doing his signature move as a Weapon X. Wait is that how WeaponX aka Brian Dawkins tackle his opponent. Doing that gay-like move?
I look like a toad there, I did it on on purpose btw. ( I know most of you would surely say "U always look like a toad lah, Kenny")

Attempting to do the gangster pose but failed badly.
Group Picture with the one and only Ms Sharon. Note Something Nel Shern was terpaksa-ed by teacher to stand the front like because ..(you people should know why).
After wasting so much time, we decided to go Mid Valley. Then we walked to the main road and waited for taxis. There were five of us there, after waiting for at least 5 minutes we got ourselves a taxi. However only a maximum of four person were only allowed to sit the taxi. So as a good friend of Pooi Joe I teman him hoping to get another taxi. Knowing that taxis in Malaysia are punctual and have the best service among other develop countries. We waited for 20 minutes as I supposed it is common to wait for such a long time in this country.

(Pooi Joe's attempt to do the angry pose failed yet again)
After we waited for 30 minutes, we were so frustrated after a taxi refused to take us and his reason were "Banyak Jam lah nak ke Mid Valley", worst still there a taxi who just passed by without looking at us.

I wonder why are those taxi drivers call themselves taxi drivers.
We waited for 45 minutes and I cant afford to wait anymore. Therefore , there was only one way to get ourselves a taxi. So I meditated, calling the "Jersus Cries" Quote by Xheng Yew. Read his blog at www.slaveofsm.blogspot.com. Just for you to know . Xheng Yew misspelled or rather spelled "Jersus Cries" on purpose instead of "Jesus Christ". I bet people like Kevin Gomez and Zachary Tan would surely feel offended by his remark. Blame it on him okay, who wants to know his address please feel free to email me.

Finally, after all the hard worked meditating we finally got ourselves a limousine from heaven. Which cost us RM5.30 to Mid Valley, we felt so blessed to received such a blessing from Xheng Yew's "Jersus" pronounced as JARR-SESS.

**Disclaimer: All stated/mentioned might not be referring to the characters as written above. The post above was solely written on joke purposes (Even so you don't feel it's funny). There was no racism, discrimination, or religiousm (whatever u wanna call it) involved.
(P.S) Most of the bad qualities pictures are taken by Elizabeth. Don't blame it on me because my camera isn't that bad, you know ?