I hope I can talk in peace as I assume u started to post it for the sake of fun. I decided to delete the previous post to prevent any controversy. Don't go around and tell people I am afraid of you cause
I'm not and never will, I just feel it is the right thing to do that is to call for a truce. I thought it is better for you to stop visiting my blog and I will stop visiting your blog. I hope I can go back to my blogging days as I feel this isn't the right way to blog.
Criticising people isn't my type to blog because I started this blog as I thought I can share my things with anyone who visits my blog. In the end when two people fight nobody wins so there is no point fighting for few days and actually gain nothing. From now on , I hope you could stop writing shit stuffs about me and as I am and will stop writing nasty and bad things about other people. However if you still intend to continue I don't give a shit about what you do, but please write about it in you very own blog, don't pollute my cbox. There is no point keeping anger on myself as I have a better things to do. I wasted my 72 hours thinking on what to write and insult you on my blog. I could have used that time to study and do some revision or even play some computer games and instead I refused to play my favourite games just to think on what to criticise you. In the end, I learnt a very good lesson that are fighting isn't going to solve the problems and keeping anger on ourselves is just a plain loser act. Yes I admit I am loser for wasting my time writing and researching just for
criticising others. I hereby promise myself to never write nasty stuffs about people in my blog. I hope you people would forgive me on behalf of www.oversizedhippo.blogspot.com. Zhong Huang you can go anywhere you want but
PLEASE don't ever get me involve in your isssue. I am never ashame to say sorry to everyone who have been affected by this issue. I know for the fact everyone makes mistake and me myself made a big mistake.