Well today was our annual sports meeting, since I was kicked out from the
march past which I don't really bother I arrived
punctually at 8 am in the morning. Everyone are supposed to arrive at 7.30 am, it was 7.25 am when I just woke up and
received a phone call from
Nel Shern telling me there is a vacant place for the march past squad as there is some two
absentees but what the hell it was going to start at around 7.45 am. Considering the fact that there could/should be a massive traffic jam along the way, I decided to slow down and told him I wouldn't want to participate in addition like I even care about my house march past after they kicked me out and then asking me to join. It's that I am angry or not actually I was pretty lazy to rush as I
wasnt in the mood to participate. The highlight of the day was when my friend Kevin Gomez won the 100 meter race for the division 3 event. I recorded the video of it but sadly I'm actually quite lazy to upload. Here are the pictures for the day.

That was Kevin performing his own way of
" sembahyang ". I thought he was constipating instead. I wonder if that was his secret way of winning the 100m race. If that was the case I should pose like that before the race.
Edited This is the much awaited picture well not really. It is Kevin's medals. Credits to PJ.

Matthew House and John House march past

Luke house and Mark House march past
LOL If you guys are wondering why the hell am I posting the march past
contingent in my blog as if it has got something to do with me ? The reason is of course I'm part of this year editorial board. It is a pleasure for me to present to all of you Stella-
Marisians I'm your Sports Editor, watch out my name in every of your sports section.

That was me posing with my gold medal, NOT ! As you guys could see I came home empty-handed feeling so
disappointed with finishing without a medal.
Owh wait ! I can't even pass the qualification round. I promise to myself I'll do better next time and present a gold medal to you dear readers. That picture made me feel so tall and

Look how cute this boy is, prior to the closing
ceremony I was so bored watching how the Matthew house runners performed without me. Suddenly I met this little boy named Eden if I'm not mistaken, he is only 2 years old and look how adorable he is. I almost wanted to kidnap him away from his maid because of his cuteness.

immitating the
Usain Bolt's pose after winning the gold medal in the
olympics. It was before the 400m race where he finished second behind Raymond.

OH WAIT ! What is
Usain Bolt doing there hiding behind the crowd. Maybe he was rooting for Kevin to finish of Raymond in the 400 meter. He must surely thought Kevin could beat his 100 meter world record sooner or later. What a
coincidence after Kevin
immitates Usain Bolt's pose and he appeared out of nowhere. Perhaps he booked a flight specially to Malaysia to catch the Stella Maris Sports Day.

The official closing ceremony and the handover of the flag to the next Matthew
HOUSE CAPTAIN Kenny Goh Sze Kenn.

In contrast, the official handover of the flag to the next
BALLBOY Captain Eng Nel Shern.
They were so proud after I earned my highest post in house and all of them are begging me to take picture with the house captain and the same time having their face posted in my blog.
All of those are purely jokes, I'm not even the house captain. It was written solely for joke purposes. THE END.
I had a little brother his name is Kevin
Goh Sze Way. The reason I wanted to blog about him is because he just created his very own personal blog, YES! He is only 12 years old maybe he was just following me since I created it earlier than him. But this small fellow was actually hiding his blog from being known from me. I didn't really know the actual reason why he was hiding it from me. But you know I am a very smart person and I can detect even the darkest and most deepest secret from anyone without them knowing. Well to be fair its actually because of the presence of
nuffnang thats why I was able to know who actually visited my blog. Okay this small boy is a very
mischievous boy, he is short comparing to the other 12 years old boy. But he is really smart, I mean smart in those studies and stuffs but he is able to solve things and fix stuffs especially electronics appliance which I am not able to fix. ( Don't say I am stupider but I am just writing the actual facts ) it's because he can even fix it no matter how complicated it is. Since he likes to keep secret away from me which I don't know why therefore I am not revealing his blog here.

This is him posing with his new Chelsea shirt which bought last year. Well actually he was a Man Utd fan but I forced him to buy the Chelsea jersey such a cruel brother I am right ? I wonder how he
tahan me bullying him 24/7.

Kevin who felt there is a big bomb exploding in his brain with a question "Why can't I grow tall?"

This is him posing with his dulan face I think on our holiday in Belitung.
Well this boy went through a different primary background and he is currently studying in a Chinese school. Right now, he is able to communicate in Chinese language which I can't. As an elder brother I am proud of him and hope he wouldn't follow my footstep that is to score a straight A's in his UPSR this year.
Isn't this the first time I'm writing without photos. Oh wait I thought this is my third time, right? All right there
isnt much thing for me to write due to the fact there isn't any event happening. So, this week had been a much rather boring and dull week. It was more on the school classes with me sleeping almost
everyweek our boring
Pendidikan Moral teacher En.
Gunalan with his boring speeches. I am so proud to tell all of you that I slept in his class for 3 weeks consecutively muahahahahah, something to be proud of right? I mean can you to sleep 1 hour in class without the teacher bugging you or even worst writing your name in the discipline book. Wait I forgot to write about me being in the march past squad for the first time in my life. I wasnt be joining that if I were chosen in the running event. But people like me always save the best for last therefore I will only be joining and make a history by beating the school record in most of the event next year. Take that as my promise to you people. Anyway I discovered that march past is actually quite fun despite the fact that we have to march under the hot sun but I just simply love to march. Wow I guess this is the first time I'm enthusiastic about the up coming sports day perhaps there is only 2 years left for me to fullfil my coccuriculum marks for my SPM. Now I just cant wait to march next week in the stadium and I hope there will be picture for me to show you people of the upcoming sports day. I am going assign some of my low class friends for example Pooi Joe who isn't going 2 be competing in any event or Kevin as the it will be before his race. Guess what, I've completed my pictureless post for the first time, writing this post just exceeded my record on writing is this blog.
Ever had an experiment on saliva? I had one last week well not exactly last week which was on last
Zack, you should thank me for posting your face in my blog. Free publicity in my blog you know ?

How beautiful the mixture of my saliva and
Xheng Yew's is, I just cant stop looking at the picture. It was actually an experiment for our biology lesson on starch I guess. The word "guess" just proves I don't pay attention in my bio class. The reason is even my super gigantic brain cant adsorb what the teacher teaches us, that means I cant understand
lah dumbo. Therefore how on earth people like
Xheng Yew,
PJ, and Kevin who are not naturally gifted with a perfect brain like me can learn from our bio class.

That was me proudly presenting to you people, " THE MIXTURE OF MY SALIVA AND
XHENG YEW'S " which turned out to be as shiny as diamond. My school life in form 4
doesnt seems to be the year which I should be focused on my studies. I am simply
dissapointed on my current performance in my first-term exam where I failed most of the science subjects. Growing older and older and learning from my past experience should actually motivate me to study harder and excel in my studies. But instead I sleep longer in my school, I play more in school, worst still I
couldnt overcome my
mischievousness day by day. I know for the fact that education is the only way which could lead me to greater future. But still I am slacking so badly even in the weekends. I hope after writing this I would/will improve on my self-discipline and focus on my studies.
My friend
Xheng Yew is special from the others the reason I said that is he tend to be special among my friends. He succeed on doing that by wearing this gigantic spectacle.

You know
lah this clown claimed he has a muscular shoulder and sometimes he could cracks up jokes and made me laugh this my balls explodes. Well according to Alison, he is the most handsome in the Form 4 I bet she was having an eye problem or she
received bribe from
Xheng Yew before that. But to be honest, this guy never gets angry easily even if u
cucuk a sharp pole on his ass and sometimes he can be very helpful guy. I guess the last time he got angry was in the year 1511 when the portugese invaded Melaka. (Owh wait was it 1511 ? I know I suck at my sejarah ). I knew him since year 5 but I didnt really talked to him but after form 2 when we were in the same class, we started to become friends or should I said best friends. This guy is currently having a secret crush on a girl named T**** ** **** her name shall not be revealed to keep his privacy and I can assure you she is a girl. Therefore to honour my 3 years friendship with him I immitated his appearance by wearing his spectacle.
My eyes was blurring as his spectacle power was way higher than mine.
I was browsing through my much
neglected facebook account and look what I discovered, a photo from primary six which was uploaded by my former schoolmate
Adrihani at
Sri Garden.

I am the one standing in the left side. Look how short was my pants, I look so awesomely gay last time. Not forgetting
Charn Wah,
Jarn Jiang,
Chong Hwa, Philip,
Soo Wei (who I used to hate so much but now we're good friends,
Pui Ching (who wears her favourite blue jacket most of the time in school) ,
Mak Lyn and Sabrina. Wow I can still remember all of their names.

That was me posing with my sexy and muscular legs (
Cheh ! ) and it's getting sexier and sexier year by year. I am now wondering how short was my school pants last time. at the old photos . I still remembered how
Faiz Khan famous unforgettable quotes like " Lu Diam ! ", "
Macam Tahi Saja." I guess it was year 6 when this conversation between him and
Wai Nam after he went to the toilet and combed his hair with water and right after he returned to class. Encik Faiz out of nowhere said " Lu Kira Lu
Banyak Handsome,
Ewwk Macam Tahi Saja " and how he thought us
KH which supposedly we are not allowed to ask any sort of question, whenever we asked question he would right away said "Lu Diam" in a split second . Gosh looking back at the old photos just reminded me on how I missed my primary life especially 6L which was also my last year in
Sri Garden.
My day
couldnt just get any better with Chelsea progressing through to the Semi-final and finished the match with top-class style.
Lampard and
Drogba was arguably the best players on the pitch last night. Final score 4-4 with Chelsea winning by 7-5 aggregate.

Alex scored with a magnificent long range free kick to level the match at 2-2 but on the other hand putting Chelsea ahead through aggregate.

Frank Lampard finished Liverpool chance of progressing through by punishing them with a clear goal scoring chance with 7-5 aggregate.
I just found out that this blog had a reader from Norway.

(Left Click To Enlarge).
Wow ! It's just amazing to see a reader from a country where Ole
Gunnar Solksjaer originated. Even me myself don't know the exact location of Norway in Europe. I've done some research in
wikipedia and this is what I found.
Kingdom of Norway, is a constitutional monarchy in Northern Europe that occupies the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula. The majority of the country shares a border to the east with Sweden; its northernmost region is bordered by Finland to the south and Russia to the east. The United Kingdom and the Faroe Islands lie to its west across the North Sea, and Denmark lies south of its southern tip across the Skagerrak Strait. Norway's extensive coastline, facing the North Atlantic Ocean and the Barents Sea, is home to its famous fjords.I didn't even know the geographical location of those blue-highlighted words. To that particular Norwegian, who actually visited my blog I would like to say "
inga årsak" according to
Professor Kenny
Goh that means Thank You in Norwegian.
Wow it's has been awhile since I last updated, I blame it more to my
laziness and all the homeworks given by teachers which I didnt do most of it but anyway here I am taking my precious 15 minutes updating for once at least. There was an event last week if I'm not mistaken which I attended after scoring magnificently ( CHEH!) in my PMR. It was the anual Prize Giving Presentation, I was delighted after missing out this event for 2 years since I last attended ( The main reason was because I didnt managed to break into the top 3 ranking since Form 1, call me a lucky boy or what ). And people look at what the school I used to love more than everything including my ho's "Quote from Zack" gave me.


Yes a small 3 X 3 cm sheet of cheap A4 paper with the
perkataan yang mengharukan "Congratulations". Wow it couldn't get any better when they rewarded me with the multipurpose "Mathematical instrument" which I used for mostly drawing a size of coconut. I have three words for them " Ribuan Terima Kasih.
I am currently in an absolutely jovial mood thanks Chelsea's Ivanovic for smashing Liverpool and virtually sending them out from the Champions League. It was a game that was mostly dominated by our very own players who worked very hard to win this game. In the end, Chelsea is returning to Stamford Bridge with a big advantage of 3 aways goals to Liverpool who only managed to score one goal. I slept for barely 4 hours today morning just to watch my favourite team playing and it worth every single minute of it !

Drogba pulling a stunning strike to score the third goal for Chelsea. I want to steal the line from Man Utd " Glory Glory Chelsea Chelsea"
I just have the sudden urge to blog after listening to Jonas Brothers "
Burnin' Up" for no reason, anyway I just had a gift from heaven I supposed.

After doing being extremely nice to everyone around me including monkeys like
Pooi Joe,
Nel Shern and
Xheng Yew. I supposed I deserve a little bit of fortune from heaven. There it goes a gift from heaven that allows me to transport around KL at first I was overjoyed knowing I was rewarded with a perfect gift from heaven. Don't call me a cheap skate just because I
received a gift from heaven. After finishing my tuition then I walked to the nearby station eagerly awaiting to know how much balanced is in the card. I inserted the card into the machine " whatever it is called" and found it was worth a whooping
RM0.70. Wow a 70 cents from heaven isn't just perfect enough right ?
My class was having a free period since the teacher was busy sitting around witnessing the spectacular " Prize Giving Day Rehearsal" then some of my peeps came out with something like this.
Sorry for the poor quality blame it on my phone.
It was overall a crappy piece of shit art. I have two words for that " It Sucks " but I just
repeat I just have to post it in my blog.