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Curtain Falls
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sports Annual Meet.

Well today was our annual sports meeting, since I was kicked out from the march past which I don't really bother I arrived punctually at 8 am in the morning. Everyone are supposed to arrive at 7.30 am, it was 7.25 am when I just woke up and received a phone call from Nel Shern telling me there is a vacant place for the march past squad as there is some two absentees but what the hell it was going to start at around 7.45 am. Considering the fact that there could/should be a massive traffic jam along the way, I decided to slow down and told him I wouldn't want to participate in addition like I even care about my house march past after they kicked me out and then asking me to join. It's that I am angry or not actually I was pretty lazy to rush as I wasnt in the mood to participate. The highlight of the day was when my friend Kevin Gomez won the 100 meter race for the division 3 event. I recorded the video of it but sadly I'm actually quite lazy to upload. Here are the pictures for the day.

That was Kevin performing his own way of " sembahyang ". I thought he was constipating instead. I wonder if that was his secret way of winning the 100m race. If that was the case I should pose like that before the race.
*Edited This is the much awaited picture well not really. It is Kevin's medals. Credits to PJ.

Matthew House and John House march past contingent.

Luke house and Mark House march past contingent. LOL If you guys are wondering why the hell am I posting the march past contingent in my blog as if it has got something to do with me ? The reason is of course I'm part of this year editorial board. It is a pleasure for me to present to all of you Stella-Marisians I'm your Sports Editor, watch out my name in every of your sports section.

That was me posing with my gold medal, NOT ! As you guys could see I came home empty-handed feeling so disappointed with finishing without a medal. Owh wait ! I can't even pass the qualification round. I promise to myself I'll do better next time and present a gold medal to you dear readers. That picture made me feel so tall and bergaya HAHAHAAHAHA.

Look how cute this boy is, prior to the closing ceremony I was so bored watching how the Matthew house runners performed without me. Suddenly I met this little boy named Eden if I'm not mistaken, he is only 2 years old and look how adorable he is. I almost wanted to kidnap him away from his maid because of his cuteness.

Kevin immitating the Usain Bolt's pose after winning the gold medal in the olympics. It was before the 400m race where he finished second behind Raymond.

OH WAIT ! What is Usain Bolt doing there hiding behind the crowd. Maybe he was rooting for Kevin to finish of Raymond in the 400 meter. He must surely thought Kevin could beat his 100 meter world record sooner or later. What a coincidence after Kevin immitates Usain Bolt's pose and he appeared out of nowhere. Perhaps he booked a flight specially to Malaysia to catch the Stella Maris Sports Day.

The official closing ceremony and the handover of the flag to the next Matthew HOUSE CAPTAIN Kenny Goh Sze Kenn.

In contrast, the official handover of the flag to the next BALLBOY Captain Eng Nel Shern.

They were so proud after I earned my highest post in house and all of them are begging me to take picture with the house captain and the same time having their face posted in my blog. HAHAHAHA.

All of those are purely jokes, I'm not even the house captain. It was written solely for joke purposes.



About Me

Name: Kenny
About Me: Hello strangers out there, I'm kenny :) Chelsea FC's most loyal supporter. I am sixteen this year. This place is where I am going to view my opinions and my thoughts about the latest issue affecting my daily life. Email me at coldplay_619@hotmail.com
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