I had a little brother his name is Kevin
Goh Sze Way. The reason I wanted to blog about him is because he just created his very own personal blog, YES! He is only 12 years old maybe he was just following me since I created it earlier than him. But this small fellow was actually hiding his blog from being known from me. I didn't really know the actual reason why he was hiding it from me. But you know I am a very smart person and I can detect even the darkest and most deepest secret from anyone without them knowing. Well to be fair its actually because of the presence of
nuffnang thats why I was able to know who actually visited my blog. Okay this small boy is a very
mischievous boy, he is short comparing to the other 12 years old boy. But he is really smart, I mean smart in those studies and stuffs but he is able to solve things and fix stuffs especially electronics appliance which I am not able to fix. ( Don't say I am stupider but I am just writing the actual facts ) it's because he can even fix it no matter how complicated it is. Since he likes to keep secret away from me which I don't know why therefore I am not revealing his blog here.

This is him posing with his new Chelsea shirt which bought last year. Well actually he was a Man Utd fan but I forced him to buy the Chelsea jersey such a cruel brother I am right ? I wonder how he
tahan me bullying him 24/7.

Kevin who felt there is a big bomb exploding in his brain with a question "Why can't I grow tall?"

This is him posing with his dulan face I think on our holiday in Belitung.
Well this boy went through a different primary background and he is currently studying in a Chinese school. Right now, he is able to communicate in Chinese language which I can't. As an elder brother I am proud of him and hope he wouldn't follow my footstep that is to score a straight A's in his UPSR this year.