Have u all heard abt the rihanna's concert on the Feb 13. Well for me Ive been planning to go for the concert since a few weeks ago. I even wasted my money and time to buy XPax just to get that tiny little 30% discount. I was so happy today knowing that my friends are both going to the concert with the RM198. I started the day with the happy-mood and I waited for farking 30 MINUTES to board to the bloody KTM. I was also all smiled when i entered California Fitness knowing I'll be having super-fun at the concert. After leaving the fitness, I was spirited running with my maximum speed to the RockCorner I was told that the ticket for rm198 was SOLD OUT@#!!@$@#!#@%!^@$%~$@^~ I WAS SO SUPER DULAN I TELL U, HOW I WISH I COULD HAVE WHACK A FEW OF MY FRIENDS FOR DELAYING!!!!!!!!!! AFTER ALL MY EFFORTS TO BEG MY FATHER TO BUY ME THE XPAX AND ALL I GET IS ACTUALLY NOTHING ?
Well after discussing my friend we decided to go for the rm158, if the tickets are also sold out too i think im going extremely mad. I could tell u all my friends bak kata pepatah " Bila Kenny MaRAH, bola anda akan berdaRAH". HOW I WISH THOSE TWO WORDS "SOLD OUT" never existed.
About Me

Name: Kenny
About Me: Hello strangers out there, I'm kenny :)
Chelsea FC's most loyal supporter. I am sixteen this year. This place is where I am going to view my opinions and my thoughts about the latest issue affecting my daily life.
Email me at coldplay_619@hotmail.com
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Champion Once Again