After the long wait for the Rihanna Concert, I was wondering when will the organizer Axcess Ticket will at least announce the fix date of the concert. I am so frustrated going to their website almost everyday reading this
 (Left-Click To Enlarge) The worst part was they wrote "The Replacement date will be confirmed by artist management within 2 weeks from now", wow that means everytime I visit the website the concert will be on two weeks from that day. For instance I visit the website on the 10th of February, they meant the concert will be on the 24th of February and if I go to the website the next day it will be on the 25th of February. I know for the fact Rihanna was brutally beaten up or I should say abused by Chris Brown.
 I felt sorry for rihanna who suffered suffered: two "huge contusions" on both sides of her forehead, a bloody lip and bloody nose. Chris Brown was such an asshole for assaulting the young and talented Rihanna. Who could every thought the multi-talented Chris Brown who was famous for singing "Forever" and "Kiss Kiss" brutally assaulted and worst still bit her.
On the other side, the poor organized Axcess Tickets seems to be forgetting or at least updating the latest news about the concert. Reading at the condition of Rihanna it looks like the concert is going to be canceled. I am waiting and waiting and waiting for 2 weeks without knowing when the concert is. Who is to be blame ? The organizer or Chris Brown ?
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Name: Kenny
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