The title says it all. Holidays are simply killing me softly, all I did was sleeping almost half a day and surf the net of course. This is what actually sums up my holidays. First I spent my time in the fitness playing some basketball. Second I go tuition in martin. OH
YAH! I forget to mention to you people. Well
everyweek on Saturday I go tuition from 8.00 AM to 2.00pm so virtually I felt like I go to school from Monday until Saturday. AWESOME RIGHT ! Starting from Biology in the morning, then Add Maths class, and then ADD MATHS EXTRA CLASS, lastly it's Physics. YES! Double add maths for me, wonder why I go for double add maths ? It's cos' I have an amazing dedicated teacher, his name is Mr.
Umaas. Ask me if you need an add maths teacher, because his class will never disappoints you.
Oh well I know my blog is getting more
wordy and OF COURSE I doubt none of you would ever read my blog. But then I tend to continue writing and updating this blog just because I get a satisfaction as I updated my blog. Call me a weirdo or
physcho because I actually enjoyed reading my very own blog. I am bloody weird right, I wonder do you actually like reading your own post.
Anyway there is a good news for you people (
MJ fans) I am sure all of you loved Michael Jackson. Although he had passed away his wonderful legacy still remains in this world. Regardless of their races and backgrounds everybody loves Michael Jackson.

To commemorate both his wonderful career as an entertainer and
Quote from
The undisputed King of Pop, Michael Jackson, passed away suddenly recently and the world is clamouring once again for his music, his ‘moonwalk’, his brilliance and his ‘presence’.
There are a good number of Michael’s fans in Malaysia. A tribute concert in the memory of MJ will be able to bring all of them together for one last remembrance and celebration of the work and life of one of the greatest musicians the world has ever seen.
‘The One Concert’ is a totally Malaysian production. It attempts to offer the audience a taste of Michael Jackson interpreted in a unique Malaysian way. The producers felt that Jordan Sam, the winner of Pepsi and Sony Music Search Michael Jackson competition in 1990’s, is the most suitable person to play the lead role.
In one of his many international performances, Jordan was dubbed the Michael Jackson of Asia by none other than the Sultan of Brunei.
The One Concert is a unique MJ musical which features many of his hit songs such as ‘Beat it’, ‘You are not alone’, ‘Billie Jean’ and many more. Audience will be thrilled by the exciting and high energy dance choreography. Jordan will be backed by more than 24 professional dancers, a live band, back-up singers and a spectacular stage production.
The concert is organized by Nuovo Entertainment and jointly produced by JS World Entertainment, CMG and GFW. It is supported by Sony Music. The One Concert will be held at the Arena of Stars, Genting Highlands Resort on this coming 20th September 2009.
Ticket can be purchased starting from 24th August 2009, at the Genting Box counters. The prices are (VIP) RM300, (R&B) RM120, RM80 and RM50 (free seating). Early birds are entitled to 20% discount. This offer is limited to only the first 1000 tickets. For ticket reservation and promotion, please contact Genting hunting line at 03-27181118 or visit am still hoping that I will be able to make the concert, in addition the concert will be held in The Arena Stars. This is one not to be missed. I am sure him (Jordan Sam) the MJ impersonator will do well. The concert will be during the raya holidays and why not go up to Genting to witness the live performance of the MJ Impersonator. So who's interested in joining in? I certainly hope I'm in.