I would like to write in brief about the whole one month trip with pictures which I find it amusing or rather a fun activity.

It was a calendar in my cousin's house, and it was written PT.
Indo-cock which means Indonesia Cock company. Next time in the future we should form a company known as Malaysia's Cock. How cool was that ?

Parking especially for ladies, anyone in favour for this idea?

Went to Timezone in
Pluit Village and played the NFL arcade games and guess what ? I scored 0 points.

Received a free
sim card from McDonald, yeah a free
sim card and I broke it into two halves. How cool is that ? Have you ever tried breaking a
sim card.

Entered toilet with pictures pasted on it. I wished I could have pee on it.

I went to my temple which my grandfather and uncle was rested in
Puncak which is located in the hillside.

Took picture with this giant cucumber.

Attended birthday party for
Jenely's and Darrell's 9
th. Both of them were born in the same year and 8 days
separates their birthday.

Say Hi to Denzel who is 5 years old.
I last updated my blog on the 8
th I think, it's actually been 2 weeks since I last updated my blog. But then, during these 2 weeks period time really flies. It seems like yesterday I actually updated my blog on the very same place which is my cousin's house. For your information, I'm already here in Indonesia for the past 2 and a half weeks. I'm returning to Malaysia on the 30
th of Dec which is next week.
By the way, tomorrow is the Christmas day,at the same time it's Nel Shern's birthday and then school reopens on the 4th of January. Gosh ! I thought time could actually move faster than the speed of light. It seems like yesterday I collected my PMR results or maybe I was waiting anxiously for my result and now it's going to be my last year in the school. I'm happy that this is my last year in school and also disappointed at the same time as I know college wouldn't be the same as high school. In my time is 4s I started to get along more with my people around me, I hang out with my friends more than I usually do especially with my pals Nic , Kevin and Kent. Sometimes Pooi Joe, however my academic results dropped tremendously compare to the previous year, I failed in almost all the science subjects and it sucks because I don't usually fail in exams.

Not by scoring exactly F I mean.
What is worst is that I started to get used on failing those subjects. I don't get mad or disappointed because of failing these subjects. However I actually had achieved a few things other than the academic results. I will list it from number 1.
1. I continue my dominant in the basketball interclass. HEHE. Just so you know, I've won every single basketball interclass since form 1. I may not be the hero just a bystanders looking at the ball. Alright just say I'm lucky to be classmates with the good basketball players.
2.I no longer have stage fright. I started to have the guts to talk in front of crowds and dance in front of many. Here is one of the example.
3. I finally created a blog of mine after a long wait. Maybe that isn't an achievements cause I can't think of another one.
Anyway I will stop here and I shall write about my next trip to Bandung which of Indonesian considered it as shopping heaven and apparently the factory outlet are everywhere in Bandung.
Hey there people, how's life as I've stated I'm actually having a trip for 30 days in Jakarta. So yeah I would like to write more about here. Anyway I went to this place known as Grand Indonesia as far as I'm concerned this place was actually some kind of a new shopping center. The place is bloody huge and it's interior is awesome, seriously. I'm sure most of you here have never been to this place so take a look at the at picture.

I'm amazed by the creativity of the interior designer of the mall.

Some kind of
chandelier in the corridor of the mall.
But you know what I hate about this country, the traffic is bloody chaotic and messed in this country,
honning cars is just like their daily ritual. Imagine if you go on a

d and everybody just keeps on honking non-stop like
nobody's business. Any driver from Malaysia can just go nuts if they just drive a day. Seriously, you can die anytime because of heart attack.

You can go on like this any moment, and I'm not joking. The traffic control is bloody useless and the road which supposed to be with 3 lanes becomes lane-less because all the vehicles just crammed and it filled up each empty spaces.

See that clown selling stuffs on the road. This is what I call road-shopping in Indonesia which you can never find anywhere else but Indonesia. You can any
souvenir and food from the road and of course you know the consequences of buying
rubbish from the road. It's the
CIRIT BIRIT for you! In case you don't have anything to return to your home country, you can try buying these rubbish from the road.
In Grand Indonesia they have their own speciality too, because in a shop "Coconut Island" from Brazil I think. They sell shirts like this.

Only available in Indonesia people.
Anyway, I took pictures with my four cousins and they are all sisters. Yeah 4 sisters in a family.

That's me with the mad dog, joking it's my cousin too.

My fat cousin doing her trademark.

Lastly, I was there witnessing this kids show like a jakun. People should have thought I came from some kampung because I look like a local person but actually I'm a foreigner.
The pictures above should be in a better quality as this was taken with my cousin's phone.
(I forgot to bring my new camera on my trip here and I'm damn pissed now. Sorry for the poor quality of photo).
As I've mentioned earlier, I was going on a trip to Jakarta, Indonesia. It was quite a tiring journey here from
Kuala Lumpur which took about 1hour 45
mins. So now I'm gonna cover the whole journey throughout my trip.
Well, first my parents booked a flight with the Malaysian Airlines. We actually got the cheaper tickets so therefore we would like to give a try since it has been a long we sit our countries "
Apparently, my flight was supposed to be at 4pm Malaysian time, to avoid the trouble of missing the flight we reached the airport at 1.30pm. But guess what had happened? Our flight was delayed for two hours and they only called my mother just after I was about to check in.
So this is what they so-called MH ( Malaysian Hospitality ) in the advertisement in the television?
This is how you treat your visitor ? Giving notification late just before the flight? Now you tell me.
I was damn pissed because I had to wait for almost 4 hours before the flight. What to do?

It even sucks when I've got nothing to do during the 4 hours of waiting. Skip the whole flying thingy, but there is one nothing that I was satisfied at they actually served us with
Ferrero Rocher and
Baskin Robbins in the flight ! Alright now the journey starts.

You know what I love about this country? Here they have hundreds of porters waiting and helping you with your heavy luggage.

See the guy in dark green suit. That's what I'm talking about, see how many of them already in the picture.
Moving on, if you really visit this place. I would like to recommend you one of the hottest stuff in this place. It's the frozen yogurt, and it's called the Tutti Frutti it's super nice I tell you. Well my cousin actually planned to meet up at 1pm but then it was delayed until 130 pm because she had to go to the dentist. Why the hell is delaying stuffs related to my life nowadays?

My cousin there with the blur picture.
Here it's all self-service system, it's damn cool because you are allowed to choose your own flavour.

There are several toppings you can choose also.

You are going to be charged according to the weight of your yogurt.

Cool stuff, huh ? I hope they will one day franchise this cool thingy in Malaysia, because this taste bloody nice.