The holidays had arrived I mean it's already two weeks since it started but oh well I'm right now updating my very own blog. You know the worst part is ?
My friend
Zhong Huang told me that he reads my blog daily without failing. I was like what the hell? This guy here still read my blog although I only update it once in a while. To not
disappoint him, I'm here to rejuvenate my blog for
ZH's sake. At least I update once every 3 weeks right ? Better than nothing.
Since today is the day I would like to make you people my reader happy, here is the picture of the day.

I might be taller than the average of the people in this country and among my friends. But then, I'm just like a helpless pitiful dwarf beside the tallest man in the world.
There's another thing I wanna write about it's the Final Year Public Concert which was held for the first time in our school. Can you imagine of the school which is established for more than 15 years had only organized a public concert for the first time and it wasn't because of our new principal Mr.Peter this wouldn't have happened. Anyway back to the story, the concert was a blast in my
opinion but then this guy
KayZai came up. Take a look at this.
Left Click the picture to take a look at it.

Have you people came across a so called professional dancer from the
Elec-cold-ASS came out of nowhere and comment on our school level performance. You know what I thought ? This whole thing is just a pure joke as I thought this guy must have come from an
ulu or jungle where he lived with animals like the Tarzan. Like what Kevin Gomez said who had ever seen Michael Jackson
criticizing the other dancers who isn't as good as he is. Imagine this conversation with him and his dancers.
Michael Jackson @ his backup dancers : Damn man, you suck to the max and made my self-invented moonwalk like a piece of thrash.
This is the video of him, looking at his "LALA" crew really caused me an eyesore. They are made from gays elements from Times Square and I wonder do we people really support our local entertainer? Tell me in my chat box.

About the MJ Final Concert I will continue in my next post. And yeah I will continue blogging on my trip to Jakarta and I hope you people can take a look close-up about the country. It's gonna be a fun one. Take care see ya.
Oh well the title says by itself, my school's
inaugural public concert is just around the corner. Maybe it isn't the first time but as far as I'm concerned being in this school for almost 4 years it's the first time. I'm involved in two events already, one it's the dance of course and the another one is the christmas carol, is that how u spell carol? Wonder why I joined the carol? The question remains unanswered and I also can't answer the question.
I thought it was a fun activity but in the end I was so bored till I can die. Anyway I'm pretty bored currently and holiday is coming in a few days and yes I'm going for a yearly routine to Jakarta and of course I'll blog on what I do there.